Monday, November 29, 2010

Off the wagon

I "fell off the wagon" as it were on my Morning Routine. This morning I managed to get up at 5am. I got up, and proceeded to do nothing. I sat for 1/2hr doing virtually nothing, saying some prayers & read an email devotional. Now I've turned on my soap and am typing in my blog. Not exactly how I planned my routine. Oh well. At least I got up. I think I'm stuck on the excercise part. I keep avoiding it. So tomorrow, I'm going to try to get up at 5am again, & I'm going to go strait to worship, bible study & prayer. I never had a problem with that part. Even if that is all I get done that is okay. Maybe I can try to excercise in the afternoon 1st thing when I get home? It's worth a try.

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