"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh~
It's an ultra simple idea, but smiling (even when you don't feel like smiling) will make you feel better. At least if you give it a chance.
I know I smile a lot, when I'm nervous, uncomfortable, or stressed. Eventually, before I know it, I'm smiling for real and feel very relaxed.
Here's a list I found on reason's to smile:
1. Smiling makes us attractive.We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.
2. Smiling Changes Our MoodNext time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling is ContagiousWhen someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
4. Smiling Relieves StressStress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune SystemSmiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood PressureWhen you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and SerotoninStudies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look YoungerThe muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem SuccessfulSmiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
What do you think of that list? I think each of us can find one or two reasons on that list to smile about!
I know it's hard to smile when your stressed and depressed. But I have learned, that's when I need to smile the most!
Also, it's a little thing we can do to make someone else's day a little brighter. I know I feel good when someone smiles at me, whatever the reason. It doesn't cost us anything, how can we not do this little thing to improve the world! What excuse could we possible have? If you have your health, and your loved ones have health, then you need to make the effort to not dwell on your own problems for a moment or two to smile at someone else (even if it's just yourself in the mirror!)
I love you and want nothing more but your happiness.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust~
Today I think I found a wonderful quote, that just makes me feel good! Isn't that the point of all these happiness quotes?!
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust~
I guess I want to let you all know how grateful I am for all of you, I don't dare start listing everyone for fear I would accidentally forget someone. You all make me extremely happy, even though we don't get to see enough of each other. You definitely make my soul blossom!!
Make sure you tell those that make you happy how much you appreciate them. It makes you and them feel good and is an easy way to feel happy! We are all blessed to have those that love and care about us. We are one big family of the heart.
This is a fairly short blog since this is a fairly simple message today. I will be somewhat sad to change the quote tomorrow, but I think the idea is important and I will continue to look for the good in all things and remember to be grateful.
Instead of an essay found on the internet here is a website. I checked out their mission statement and find that I like it. I haven't looked at the site too much yet, so I hope I'm not recommending something I wouldn't want to recommend.
Everyone have a blessed day!
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust~
I guess I want to let you all know how grateful I am for all of you, I don't dare start listing everyone for fear I would accidentally forget someone. You all make me extremely happy, even though we don't get to see enough of each other. You definitely make my soul blossom!!
Make sure you tell those that make you happy how much you appreciate them. It makes you and them feel good and is an easy way to feel happy! We are all blessed to have those that love and care about us. We are one big family of the heart.
This is a fairly short blog since this is a fairly simple message today. I will be somewhat sad to change the quote tomorrow, but I think the idea is important and I will continue to look for the good in all things and remember to be grateful.
Instead of an essay found on the internet here is a website. I checked out their mission statement and find that I like it. I haven't looked at the site too much yet, so I hope I'm not recommending something I wouldn't want to recommend.
Everyone have a blessed day!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
"Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient." ~Aristotle~
Wow! 3 Happiness blogs in a row! What are the odds? If this keeps up I'll have to stop counting!
Lets get right into the quote I picked for today . . .
"Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient." ~Aristotle~
What do you think of that? I think most people's initial reactions are going to be to heartily agree or disagree, though they won't analyze which side of that line they fall on.
I happen to think this is quite true. What tends to steal our happiness is being the Martyr. What do I mean when I think being a Martyr? Someone is playing the Martyr if theyu feel they are making all or at least the majority of the sacrices, if they feel they are doing all or most of the work, if they're constantly telling themselves they shouldn't have to do this, why do they have to do this?
Well I want to ask you, what makes you so special? I can easily pick on wives and mothers. Especially if they work outside the home, or really anyone who works outside the home (which is most of us!) I know when I stopped feeling like I should have help taking care of my home, I started feeling much better. If I was single, I wouldn't be expecting anyone to help take care of my home. Taking care of your home is just something you do. If you have kids or a significant other, it might mean additional work, but if you love them, you should just do it. Wanting or expecting help doing something that is basic to every home just causes dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Wanting or expecting help, or someone to take care of us, just leads to further unhappiness. It is really needy, and I know I don't want to see myself as needy!! Who does?! We want to think of ourselves as self-sufficient. But being truly self-sufficient is not expecting anyone to do anything for us. We just do it and get on with it. Sometimes we feel we truly need help. We then need to learn to REALLY ask for it, and if it doesn't come then we need to figure out a different solution. Most of the problems we are faced with are faced by hundreds and thousands of others, whether they are financial, academic, or physical. Other people have solved their problems one way or another, and we can too if we're just willing to work at finding the solution. Again so often we don't want to put the effort in, we just want it done for us. Why pine for something you don't have, millions of others probably don't have it also. If we could just accept and move on . . . imagine the weight that would be lifted.
If something needs done, just do it. You'll feel better, and you won't make everyone else miserable by acting put-upon for doing things that need done.
I haven't found any essays really easily that continue on with my point. I did find one I liked though about happiness and consumerism and the world, so I'll include a link, but I won't copy it fully since it's not really inline with my earlier musings.
Are You Really Happy?
by Stephen Knapp
I do want to add that obviously we can never be 100% self-sufficient. We are not bush people, nor do I ever really want to be. And as for as dropping the martyr complex, it's a lot easier to say then do, believe me I know! I'm spouting on ideals that I am working on because I believe in them, but I by no means want to give the impression that I have perfected them. I still like having things done for me (in fact I really wish that Adam would make the appointment for the appliance repairman for me, but I know that isn't going to happen so I'm trying not to dwell on it!)
PS - for the gals!!! Men can not read minds, and they take everything you say at face value. If you say one thing but mean something else, and they don't get it . . . you have only yourself to blame. From the very beginning of my marriage ( 7 1/2 years ago!) I resolved I would never blame Adam if he didn't respond the way I wanted him to if I didn't say exactly what I meant. If I say "I hate taking out the garbage" and mean "You take out the garbage", what guys hear is "She hates taking out the garbage" and what their thought response is "Man I know what she means, I hate taking out the garbage too!" They totally don't get that you were asking them to take out the garbage for you. And even if they did get what you really meant, since technically you didn't ask them to take out the garbage . . . who's fault is that? If you say "Would you please take out the garbage?" (very nicely, and when they're not distracted by something else - lets be realistic) most of the time the response is going to be much better. A group I belong to calls it "Women Speak", but I've tried to avoid it from the beginning. Learning to identify it and avoid it in the future will really improve your communication with your significant other and your relationship. I really believe this!!!
Here is a copy of the essay on "Women Speak" I think it's really important.
WomanspeakA Sergeant can give a Private orders, all day, every day. A boss cangive an employee an order, if it deals with work, and nobody gives ita second thought. A small child cannot give a parent orders, or atleast that was true when I was growing up. The nature of an order isthe implied message, "If you do not obey, I can make you wish youhad." It is that implied threat which makes all orders inherentlyhostile, and which accounts for the resentment that builds up inpeople who are ordered around a lot. In songs ("Take This Job AndShove It"), in specialty verbs ("to frag"), and in dozens of otherways, experience shows that there is a cost involved in giving orders,even if it is only having to pay the employee his wages. At somelevel, everyone knows this, so it is not surprising that in goodmarriages, the language of command is rarely heard.But the urge to command is deeply embedded in human nature. In men itfinds expression, or it doesn't; that is not our subject. Briefly put,our subject is this: How does a woman get her way, if the language ofcommand is too costly to use?The honest (as men see it) alternative to a command is a request, butthat too comes at a price: if you are forever making requests, youcome across as needy, a user. And, of course, the other person may tryto balance the scales by making requests of his own, which defeats thegoal of getting your way. What to do? The answer, all too often, isWomanspeak. Not a command, and not a request, Womanspeak says "B" butexpects—even demands—to be understood as meaning "A".Sometimes it looks like a question, as in the title of a recent bookon mother-daughter communication: "You're Wearing That?". Depending oninflection, that phrase may be a comment, a suggestion, or a command.It is not, however, a question. Used on children, Womanspeak almostalways disguises itself as a question, but every child learns early onnot to answer it. "Don't you think you need a sweater?" is not askingfor a child's opinion; it is giving the child an order. Sometimes itlooks like mere information, such as, "I'm cold." The hidden subtext,though, is a command: Turn up the heat.However it is disguised, men see Womanspeak as dishonest--a ploy togive an order without paying the price--or, what is worse, a form ofmanipulation. Men really resent manipulation, but we learn early onnot to say so. Women don't believe they are being manipulative, andget testy when told otherwise. After all, when they use Womanspeak,they think they are being diplomatic. And anyway, it is how theirmothers talked to them, wasn't it? Yes, and it is how mothers talkedto their sons, too, and we didn't like it then, either.Probably Womanspeak dates back to the days when, as Blackstone said inhis Commentaries on the Common Law, the husband and wife were legallyone person, and that person was the husband. Back then, it served auseful purpose: it gave a voice to people who had none other. Butthose days are past. The largest impact Womanspeak has today is thatit encourages men to think what they dare not say, and no relationshipbenefits from that, in the long run. At least that's what I think.Robert~~~
Marla and Paddi say that I should give examples of Womanspeak. Okay,by categories, here goes:One very common category is the question that cannot be answered(because it isn't really a question). For example:WOMANSPEAK: You're not wearing that to the restaurant, are you? [Ifhe's not, why does he have it on?]HONEST VERSION: I think you should change clothes. WOMANSPEAK: Don't you think you should ______________? [What kind ofmoron would be doing whatever-it-is, if he really thought he should bedoing something different?]HONEST VERSION: I think you should be doing _______(what you reallywant them to do)They can't read your mind. Do we have time for me to ________________? [This example is anespecially subtle form of Womanspeak, since it actually is asking aquestion, just not the question that is spoken aloud. The realquestion is, "Do you mind if we make a side-trip, or put off leaving,or whatever, even though we're already up against our deadline?"]Another common ploy is to shift needs. For example:WOMANSPEAK: The garbage needs to be taken out. [Garbage does not haveneeds. People have needs. You need for him to take out the garbage.]HONEST VERSION: Please, take out the garbage. WOMANSPEAK: The car needs to be washed.HONEST VERSION; Would you please wash the car. WOMANSPEAK: You need to slow down. [No, you need for him to slow down.]HONEST VERSION: I'm scared, would you please slow down.And, of course, the classic:WOMANSPEAK: I'm cold. [You know what that means.]HONEST VERSION: Please turn up the heat.
MOTH3R here!
Not a single one of us means to be "dishonest", but we all have to accept the men and women are different and communicate differently. The sooner we accept it and work with it instead of against it, the happier we all will be!
I love you all and wish you the happiest of thots!!!
Lets get right into the quote I picked for today . . .
"Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient." ~Aristotle~
What do you think of that? I think most people's initial reactions are going to be to heartily agree or disagree, though they won't analyze which side of that line they fall on.
I happen to think this is quite true. What tends to steal our happiness is being the Martyr. What do I mean when I think being a Martyr? Someone is playing the Martyr if theyu feel they are making all or at least the majority of the sacrices, if they feel they are doing all or most of the work, if they're constantly telling themselves they shouldn't have to do this, why do they have to do this?
Well I want to ask you, what makes you so special? I can easily pick on wives and mothers. Especially if they work outside the home, or really anyone who works outside the home (which is most of us!) I know when I stopped feeling like I should have help taking care of my home, I started feeling much better. If I was single, I wouldn't be expecting anyone to help take care of my home. Taking care of your home is just something you do. If you have kids or a significant other, it might mean additional work, but if you love them, you should just do it. Wanting or expecting help doing something that is basic to every home just causes dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Wanting or expecting help, or someone to take care of us, just leads to further unhappiness. It is really needy, and I know I don't want to see myself as needy!! Who does?! We want to think of ourselves as self-sufficient. But being truly self-sufficient is not expecting anyone to do anything for us. We just do it and get on with it. Sometimes we feel we truly need help. We then need to learn to REALLY ask for it, and if it doesn't come then we need to figure out a different solution. Most of the problems we are faced with are faced by hundreds and thousands of others, whether they are financial, academic, or physical. Other people have solved their problems one way or another, and we can too if we're just willing to work at finding the solution. Again so often we don't want to put the effort in, we just want it done for us. Why pine for something you don't have, millions of others probably don't have it also. If we could just accept and move on . . . imagine the weight that would be lifted.
If something needs done, just do it. You'll feel better, and you won't make everyone else miserable by acting put-upon for doing things that need done.
I haven't found any essays really easily that continue on with my point. I did find one I liked though about happiness and consumerism and the world, so I'll include a link, but I won't copy it fully since it's not really inline with my earlier musings.
Are You Really Happy?
by Stephen Knapp
I do want to add that obviously we can never be 100% self-sufficient. We are not bush people, nor do I ever really want to be. And as for as dropping the martyr complex, it's a lot easier to say then do, believe me I know! I'm spouting on ideals that I am working on because I believe in them, but I by no means want to give the impression that I have perfected them. I still like having things done for me (in fact I really wish that Adam would make the appointment for the appliance repairman for me, but I know that isn't going to happen so I'm trying not to dwell on it!)
PS - for the gals!!! Men can not read minds, and they take everything you say at face value. If you say one thing but mean something else, and they don't get it . . . you have only yourself to blame. From the very beginning of my marriage ( 7 1/2 years ago!) I resolved I would never blame Adam if he didn't respond the way I wanted him to if I didn't say exactly what I meant. If I say "I hate taking out the garbage" and mean "You take out the garbage", what guys hear is "She hates taking out the garbage" and what their thought response is "Man I know what she means, I hate taking out the garbage too!" They totally don't get that you were asking them to take out the garbage for you. And even if they did get what you really meant, since technically you didn't ask them to take out the garbage . . . who's fault is that? If you say "Would you please take out the garbage?" (very nicely, and when they're not distracted by something else - lets be realistic) most of the time the response is going to be much better. A group I belong to calls it "Women Speak", but I've tried to avoid it from the beginning. Learning to identify it and avoid it in the future will really improve your communication with your significant other and your relationship. I really believe this!!!
Here is a copy of the essay on "Women Speak" I think it's really important.
WomanspeakA Sergeant can give a Private orders, all day, every day. A boss cangive an employee an order, if it deals with work, and nobody gives ita second thought. A small child cannot give a parent orders, or atleast that was true when I was growing up. The nature of an order isthe implied message, "If you do not obey, I can make you wish youhad." It is that implied threat which makes all orders inherentlyhostile, and which accounts for the resentment that builds up inpeople who are ordered around a lot. In songs ("Take This Job AndShove It"), in specialty verbs ("to frag"), and in dozens of otherways, experience shows that there is a cost involved in giving orders,even if it is only having to pay the employee his wages. At somelevel, everyone knows this, so it is not surprising that in goodmarriages, the language of command is rarely heard.But the urge to command is deeply embedded in human nature. In men itfinds expression, or it doesn't; that is not our subject. Briefly put,our subject is this: How does a woman get her way, if the language ofcommand is too costly to use?The honest (as men see it) alternative to a command is a request, butthat too comes at a price: if you are forever making requests, youcome across as needy, a user. And, of course, the other person may tryto balance the scales by making requests of his own, which defeats thegoal of getting your way. What to do? The answer, all too often, isWomanspeak. Not a command, and not a request, Womanspeak says "B" butexpects—even demands—to be understood as meaning "A".Sometimes it looks like a question, as in the title of a recent bookon mother-daughter communication: "You're Wearing That?". Depending oninflection, that phrase may be a comment, a suggestion, or a command.It is not, however, a question. Used on children, Womanspeak almostalways disguises itself as a question, but every child learns early onnot to answer it. "Don't you think you need a sweater?" is not askingfor a child's opinion; it is giving the child an order. Sometimes itlooks like mere information, such as, "I'm cold." The hidden subtext,though, is a command: Turn up the heat.However it is disguised, men see Womanspeak as dishonest--a ploy togive an order without paying the price--or, what is worse, a form ofmanipulation. Men really resent manipulation, but we learn early onnot to say so. Women don't believe they are being manipulative, andget testy when told otherwise. After all, when they use Womanspeak,they think they are being diplomatic. And anyway, it is how theirmothers talked to them, wasn't it? Yes, and it is how mothers talkedto their sons, too, and we didn't like it then, either.Probably Womanspeak dates back to the days when, as Blackstone said inhis Commentaries on the Common Law, the husband and wife were legallyone person, and that person was the husband. Back then, it served auseful purpose: it gave a voice to people who had none other. Butthose days are past. The largest impact Womanspeak has today is thatit encourages men to think what they dare not say, and no relationshipbenefits from that, in the long run. At least that's what I think.Robert~~~
Marla and Paddi say that I should give examples of Womanspeak. Okay,by categories, here goes:One very common category is the question that cannot be answered(because it isn't really a question). For example:WOMANSPEAK: You're not wearing that to the restaurant, are you? [Ifhe's not, why does he have it on?]HONEST VERSION: I think you should change clothes. WOMANSPEAK: Don't you think you should ______________? [What kind ofmoron would be doing whatever-it-is, if he really thought he should bedoing something different?]HONEST VERSION: I think you should be doing _______(what you reallywant them to do)They can't read your mind. Do we have time for me to ________________? [This example is anespecially subtle form of Womanspeak, since it actually is asking aquestion, just not the question that is spoken aloud. The realquestion is, "Do you mind if we make a side-trip, or put off leaving,or whatever, even though we're already up against our deadline?"]Another common ploy is to shift needs. For example:WOMANSPEAK: The garbage needs to be taken out. [Garbage does not haveneeds. People have needs. You need for him to take out the garbage.]HONEST VERSION: Please, take out the garbage. WOMANSPEAK: The car needs to be washed.HONEST VERSION; Would you please wash the car. WOMANSPEAK: You need to slow down. [No, you need for him to slow down.]HONEST VERSION: I'm scared, would you please slow down.And, of course, the classic:WOMANSPEAK: I'm cold. [You know what that means.]HONEST VERSION: Please turn up the heat.
MOTH3R here!
Not a single one of us means to be "dishonest", but we all have to accept the men and women are different and communicate differently. The sooner we accept it and work with it instead of against it, the happier we all will be!
I love you all and wish you the happiest of thots!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." ~Albert Schweitzer~
Wow! I'm actually doing a blog two days in a row . . . this can never last! : )
Since this is for me first, and hopefully it is helping someone else I won't worry about it if I don't keep it up.
Anyways. Today's quote "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." ~Albert Schweitzer~
I like this quote. I think it really shows how simple happiness is, and how complicated we make it be. As long as we and those we love are healthy - the only thing that really makes us unhappy is either stuff that has happened in the past . . . or stuff we are anticipating to happen in the future. If we could discipline ourselves enough to live in the moment, do what we can when we can, and not worry so much about what happened in the past since we can't change it and what we think is going to happen in the future since we will deal with it when the time comes I think would could have this happiness thing licked.
So much easier said then done. Living in the moment really takes work. You have to release all guilt of what you did or did not do in the past, and forgiveness for anyone else for what they did or did not do. And as for as not worry about the future, you have to do what can be done to prepare without worrying what will happen. This can actually be done, but man it's not easy.
There are somethings that help. Affirmations, meditation, concentration. But really, there are no easy answers. It, like most things, has to be something you are really willing to work for.
This weekend my washer broke and I was really unhappy about it. I called my husband will he was on his snowmobile trip and there was nothing he could do about it. I call my sister though she lives in Colorado and couldn't do anything about it. I called my mother though she also lives in Colorado and could do nothing about it. What is it about our need to share bad news? I don't know. I can't say whining to my family really made me feel better, but I guess it's that whole misery loves company thing. We'll I have to arrange for someone to come in to look at it, since it is a Laundry Center style stacked washer & dryer, it could even be a fairly expensive repair but it would probably still be way cheeper to fix then to replace the whole thing. I'm trying not to worry about it. I'm not looking forward to having a repair guy here, but we got to do what we gotta do, and there's no point in worrying about it.
Today I dropped my kids off at school, arrived at work and then found out their school was delayed for 2 hrs. My husband was home, but I couldn't get a hold of him because his cell phone was dead and we do not have a house phone. I knew my kids would be okay. I knew they weren't the only ones to be dropped off cause we saw other kids arriving when I dropped them off, but I still felt like a horrible mother. I just not what I wanted, I could drive all the way back (45min one way) but Christian and Gwen didn't really need me to. I just had to live with it. Needless to say this week I will be working on getting a phone in the house. Though this wasn't a true emergency, what if it was. Well instead of worrying about it, I'll do something about it.
I'm thinking I should check and see if I can easily find any essays on the net about living in the moment . . .
Okay, I think I found something decent . . .
Feel Happy Every Day by Living in the Moment
By Harriet Meyerson
Many people are so concerned with adding days to their life that they forget to add life to their days.
If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things happening in your personal life, you know how distracting it is. Living in the moment means you are totally immersed in an experience.
The past is history. The future is a mystery. The only time we really have is now - just this moment.
MAGICAL MOMENTS Think back on the events in your life that you vividly remember. Those are the events where you were living in the moment. Even though years have passed, you can still remember the details.
OUR WEDDING DAY Over thirty-six years have passed since my wedding day, and I can still picture myself as a young bride dressed in a beautiful white gown. I can still hear our "special song" and feel the immense joy I felt then as I walked down the aisle toward my soon-to-be husband.
THE DAY I CONQUERED THE MOUNTAIN I vividly remember my first ski trip when, after taking my first chairlift ride up the mountain, I didn't know how I would ever get down. I was terrified! As I slowly skied down the slope with my instructor, I was so frightened I was shaking, but I was also experiencing the thrill of the moment. I will always remember the incredible feeling I experienced as I finally reached the bottom - conquering my first ski slope.
EVERY DAY MOMENTS Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life. However, most days don't contain special events, and unless you learn to live in the moment, worry, fear, resentments or other distractions will rob you of your life.
Wayne Dyer in his many books talks about the compulsion some people have of always wanting more before they can be happy - more money, a better house, a fancier car, a better spouse, etc. Those people never get to a place of arriving - or enjoying the moment.
AS GOOD AS IT GETS… Steve Strauss, a professional speaker and personal coach at http://www.straususa.com/ suggests that you ask yourself … "What if this is as good as it gets?"
Steve said, "While driving down a quiet country highway, in the clear winter sunlight, that question popped into my mind. My first reaction was to see that I had spent a huge part of my life fantasizing about the future, when things would get "better".
"When I let go of requiring that the future be any certain way - Poof! Suddenly I became content with what I had now."
"That was a shock because I had always assumed a better future, which implies that there is something wrong with now. To realize that right now is great has been tremendously freeing. It has led to gratitude and a surge of energy and strength."
Living in the moment takes practice because you are used to being distracted. Make a special effort to consciously practice being totally immersed in what you are doing for some time every day. Here are some ideas to get you started.
TAKE A BUBBLE BATH Play some soft music. Relax and feel the warmth of the water. Just think of how you are enjoying the moment.
DRIVE A DIFFERENT ROUTE TO WORK Get off the highway, and take the city streets to work. As you drive, notice the trees and houses as you pass through different neighborhoods. Going a different way will also help you concentrate on your surroundings.
EAT A GOURMET MEAL AT A FANCY RESTAURANT Set aside money for your special dinner so that you won't feel guilty about spending the money. You will experience living in the moment as you enjoy the total experience of the atmosphere, the service, the people you are with, and the delicious food.
PLAY A SPORT SUCH AS TENNIS You have to concentrate and be aware of everything that is happening at the moment. There isn't time to lament over the last shot because another one is coming right back at you.
DANCE TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC You will become immersed in the music as your body moves to it, and you will begin to feel vibrant and alive.
PLAY CARD GAMES When you play games such as bridge or poker, you have to concentrate or you risk losing the game.
ENJOY A CREATIVE HOBBY Painting, woodwork, or crafts will absorb all your attention as you focus on your creation.
TAKE A VACATION Vacations are rejuvenating and energizing because you are physically away from the day-to-day cares of living and totally immersed in sight seeing or other vacation activities.
LOOK AT THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Notice how people who are always preoccupied with worry, resentment or other things don't usually have a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor requires living in the moment because you have to look all around for the funny things that are happening.
KEEP A JOURNAL At the end of each day, write about the moments when you were totally present. Every week review your journal. Doing this, will encourage you to concentrate on what you are doing. Eventually, living in the moment will become a habit that will add happiness, enthusiasm, and vitality to your days.
About the author: Harriet Meyerson, president of The Confidence Center, works with companies that want confident, loyal, and happy employees, and with individuals who want the confidence they need for success. Harriet is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of Fire Up Your Staff on a Shoestring Budget.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day, has a wonderful evening, and a wonderful week to follow.
Love and Blessings,
Since this is for me first, and hopefully it is helping someone else I won't worry about it if I don't keep it up.
Anyways. Today's quote "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." ~Albert Schweitzer~
I like this quote. I think it really shows how simple happiness is, and how complicated we make it be. As long as we and those we love are healthy - the only thing that really makes us unhappy is either stuff that has happened in the past . . . or stuff we are anticipating to happen in the future. If we could discipline ourselves enough to live in the moment, do what we can when we can, and not worry so much about what happened in the past since we can't change it and what we think is going to happen in the future since we will deal with it when the time comes I think would could have this happiness thing licked.
So much easier said then done. Living in the moment really takes work. You have to release all guilt of what you did or did not do in the past, and forgiveness for anyone else for what they did or did not do. And as for as not worry about the future, you have to do what can be done to prepare without worrying what will happen. This can actually be done, but man it's not easy.
There are somethings that help. Affirmations, meditation, concentration. But really, there are no easy answers. It, like most things, has to be something you are really willing to work for.
This weekend my washer broke and I was really unhappy about it. I called my husband will he was on his snowmobile trip and there was nothing he could do about it. I call my sister though she lives in Colorado and couldn't do anything about it. I called my mother though she also lives in Colorado and could do nothing about it. What is it about our need to share bad news? I don't know. I can't say whining to my family really made me feel better, but I guess it's that whole misery loves company thing. We'll I have to arrange for someone to come in to look at it, since it is a Laundry Center style stacked washer & dryer, it could even be a fairly expensive repair but it would probably still be way cheeper to fix then to replace the whole thing. I'm trying not to worry about it. I'm not looking forward to having a repair guy here, but we got to do what we gotta do, and there's no point in worrying about it.
Today I dropped my kids off at school, arrived at work and then found out their school was delayed for 2 hrs. My husband was home, but I couldn't get a hold of him because his cell phone was dead and we do not have a house phone. I knew my kids would be okay. I knew they weren't the only ones to be dropped off cause we saw other kids arriving when I dropped them off, but I still felt like a horrible mother. I just not what I wanted, I could drive all the way back (45min one way) but Christian and Gwen didn't really need me to. I just had to live with it. Needless to say this week I will be working on getting a phone in the house. Though this wasn't a true emergency, what if it was. Well instead of worrying about it, I'll do something about it.
I'm thinking I should check and see if I can easily find any essays on the net about living in the moment . . .
Okay, I think I found something decent . . .
Feel Happy Every Day by Living in the Moment
By Harriet Meyerson
Many people are so concerned with adding days to their life that they forget to add life to their days.
If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things happening in your personal life, you know how distracting it is. Living in the moment means you are totally immersed in an experience.
The past is history. The future is a mystery. The only time we really have is now - just this moment.
MAGICAL MOMENTS Think back on the events in your life that you vividly remember. Those are the events where you were living in the moment. Even though years have passed, you can still remember the details.
OUR WEDDING DAY Over thirty-six years have passed since my wedding day, and I can still picture myself as a young bride dressed in a beautiful white gown. I can still hear our "special song" and feel the immense joy I felt then as I walked down the aisle toward my soon-to-be husband.
THE DAY I CONQUERED THE MOUNTAIN I vividly remember my first ski trip when, after taking my first chairlift ride up the mountain, I didn't know how I would ever get down. I was terrified! As I slowly skied down the slope with my instructor, I was so frightened I was shaking, but I was also experiencing the thrill of the moment. I will always remember the incredible feeling I experienced as I finally reached the bottom - conquering my first ski slope.
EVERY DAY MOMENTS Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life. However, most days don't contain special events, and unless you learn to live in the moment, worry, fear, resentments or other distractions will rob you of your life.
Wayne Dyer in his many books talks about the compulsion some people have of always wanting more before they can be happy - more money, a better house, a fancier car, a better spouse, etc. Those people never get to a place of arriving - or enjoying the moment.
AS GOOD AS IT GETS… Steve Strauss, a professional speaker and personal coach at http://www.straususa.com/ suggests that you ask yourself … "What if this is as good as it gets?"
Steve said, "While driving down a quiet country highway, in the clear winter sunlight, that question popped into my mind. My first reaction was to see that I had spent a huge part of my life fantasizing about the future, when things would get "better".
"When I let go of requiring that the future be any certain way - Poof! Suddenly I became content with what I had now."
"That was a shock because I had always assumed a better future, which implies that there is something wrong with now. To realize that right now is great has been tremendously freeing. It has led to gratitude and a surge of energy and strength."
Living in the moment takes practice because you are used to being distracted. Make a special effort to consciously practice being totally immersed in what you are doing for some time every day. Here are some ideas to get you started.
TAKE A BUBBLE BATH Play some soft music. Relax and feel the warmth of the water. Just think of how you are enjoying the moment.
DRIVE A DIFFERENT ROUTE TO WORK Get off the highway, and take the city streets to work. As you drive, notice the trees and houses as you pass through different neighborhoods. Going a different way will also help you concentrate on your surroundings.
EAT A GOURMET MEAL AT A FANCY RESTAURANT Set aside money for your special dinner so that you won't feel guilty about spending the money. You will experience living in the moment as you enjoy the total experience of the atmosphere, the service, the people you are with, and the delicious food.
PLAY A SPORT SUCH AS TENNIS You have to concentrate and be aware of everything that is happening at the moment. There isn't time to lament over the last shot because another one is coming right back at you.
DANCE TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC You will become immersed in the music as your body moves to it, and you will begin to feel vibrant and alive.
PLAY CARD GAMES When you play games such as bridge or poker, you have to concentrate or you risk losing the game.
ENJOY A CREATIVE HOBBY Painting, woodwork, or crafts will absorb all your attention as you focus on your creation.
TAKE A VACATION Vacations are rejuvenating and energizing because you are physically away from the day-to-day cares of living and totally immersed in sight seeing or other vacation activities.
LOOK AT THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Notice how people who are always preoccupied with worry, resentment or other things don't usually have a sense of humor. Having a sense of humor requires living in the moment because you have to look all around for the funny things that are happening.
KEEP A JOURNAL At the end of each day, write about the moments when you were totally present. Every week review your journal. Doing this, will encourage you to concentrate on what you are doing. Eventually, living in the moment will become a habit that will add happiness, enthusiasm, and vitality to your days.
About the author: Harriet Meyerson, president of The Confidence Center, works with companies that want confident, loyal, and happy employees, and with individuals who want the confidence they need for success. Harriet is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of Fire Up Your Staff on a Shoestring Budget.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day, has a wonderful evening, and a wonderful week to follow.
Love and Blessings,
Saturday, February 23, 2008
"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." ~Anonymous~
I've decided for the time being I want to focus on Happiness quotes. One reason is to help me remember to be happy, sometimes I'm so busy just trying to get through the day that I forget to remember to be happy. I'm hoping by writing a little essay about a Happiness quote regularly will help it start to come more automatically.
So today's quote is "Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." ~Anonymous~
How appropriate for my first quote?! This one hits home because I truly believe to the bottom of my heart that happiness is a choice and it must be worked at. Happiness may come naturally to some people, but for most of us we have to be reminded to be happy, and I think we usually just wait around for those reminders to slap us in the face. But what if we made more of a conscience effort? What if we started using affirmations?
Sounds silly I know, but purposefully thinking happy, positive thoughts can work. It's hard work at first, but like anything, the more you practice it regularly - the easier it gets. My friend Lynette gave me a wonderful list of affirmations. A lot of which I've already tried using.
Positive Affirmations- I am healthy and happy.- Wealth is pouring into my life.- I am sailing on the river of wealth.- I am getting wealthier each day.- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.- I have a lot of energy.- I study and comprehend fast.- My mind is calm.- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.- My thoughts are under my control.- I radiate love and happiness.- I am surrounded by love.- I have the perfect job for me.- I am living in the house of my dreams.- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.- I have a wonderful and satisfying job.- I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.- I am successful in whatever I do.
It is possible to be happy with what you have, even if it's nothing but bills and debt. People do it everyday, and if they can do it, why can't I?
What it comes down to is, am I willing to make the effort?
Admittedly, some days, no. Some days it's just darn hard to think a happy thought. I'm tired, I'm stressed, I feel so behind that I'll never catch up. At those times, I basically want to wallow in self-pity and self-derision. I want to invite every possible negative thing I can think of myself. But what does that help? Not a darn thing.
I want, no, I need to start being purposely happy. Happy is a feeling, and most of us don't realize how much control we have on our feelings. I don't think a lot of people realize they can control their feelings if they choose too. Yes, sometimes that control may slip, but when you realize you've slipped you don't give up, you try again. And again, and again. How many of us have practiced something till our fingers bled, willing to give every effort till we got it perfect? I know I never have. I've never put that much effort into anything. And I have an overwhelming conviction that this is the time and this is what I should be putting all that effort into. And what will happen? Who knows, but I can't imagine being any worse off. How can practicing being happy till I want to stick a pencil in my eye do anything but improve my life? Actually my imagination goes wild thinking of all the possibilities if I can gain proficiency at being happy. There is no such thing as perfect, but there is damn good!!!
I could probably go on and on, and probably just end up beating a dead hoarse. If I haven't got my point across yet, I never will. I want to end this with the bulk of the article Lynette sent me yesterday about positive affirmations. If it helps even one other person, its worth all others I've probably made nauseous.
Lynette I hope you don't mind my plagiarizing you! I give you full credit for finding the article first!!!
The Power of AffirmationsBy Remez SassonAffirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, and which are repeated many times, in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire.Imagine that you are swimming with your friends in a swimming pool. They swim fifteen rounds, something you have never done before, and desiring to win the respect of your friends, you want to show them that you can make it too. You start swimming, and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, "I can do it, I can do it...". You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the fifteen rounds. What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations.More than often, people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently bring upon themselves undesirable situations. Words and statements work both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.Often, people repeat negative statements in their minds, without even being aware of what they are doing. Do you keep thinking and telling yourself that you cannot do something, that you are too lazy, lack inner strength or that you are going to fail? Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying, and eventually attracts corresponding events and situations into your life, irrespective whether they are good or bad for you, so why not choose only positive statements?Affirmations program the mind in the same way commands and scripts program a computer. They work in the same manner as creative visualization. The repeated words help you focus your mind on your aim, and automatically build corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge. By using this process consciously and intently, you can affect your subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions, and even reshape your external life.Sometimes results appear quickly, but often more time is required. Depending on your goal, sometimes you might attain immediate results, and sometimes it might take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such as the time, focus, faith and feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the strength of your desire, and on how big or small is your goal.It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. You have to refuse thinking negative thoughts, if you wish to attain positive results.How to Repeat AffirmationsIt is advisable to repeat affirmations that are not too long, as they are easier to remember. Repeat them anytime your mind is not engaged in something in particular, such as while traveling in a bus or a train, waiting in line, walking etc, but do not affirm while driving or crossing a street. You may also repeat them in special sessions of 5-10 minutes each, several times a day.Relax any physical, emotional or mental tension while affirming. The stronger the concentration, the more faith you have in what you are doing, the more feelings you put into the act, the stronger and faster will be the results.Choose only positive words, describing what you really want. If you desire to lose weight, do not tell yourself "I am not fat" or "I am losing weight." These are negative statements, bringing into the mind mental images of what you do not want. Say instead, "I am getting slim" or "I have reached my right weight". Such words evoke positive images in the mind.Always affirm in the present tense, not the future tense. Saying, "I will be rich", means that you intend to be rich one day, in the indefinite future, but not now. It is more effective to say, and also feel, "I am rich now", and the subconscious mind will work overtime to make this happen now, in the present.The power of affirmations can help you to transform your life. By stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally and emotionally see and feel it as true, irrespective of your current circumstances, and thereby attract it into your life.Positive Affirmations- I am healthy and happy.- Wealth is pouring into my life.- I am sailing on the river of wealth.- I am getting wealthier each day.- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.- I have a lot of energy.- I study and comprehend fast.- My mind is calm.- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.- My thoughts are under my control.- I radiate love and happiness.- I am surrounded by love.- I have the perfect job for me.- I am living in the house of my dreams.- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.- I have a wonderful and satisfying job.- I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.- I am successful in whatever I do.- Everything is getting better every day.
I would be happy if anyone shared how trying to be purposefully happy has helped them, who know who else it might encourage.
Love, and lots of Happy Thots!!!
So today's quote is "Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." ~Anonymous~
How appropriate for my first quote?! This one hits home because I truly believe to the bottom of my heart that happiness is a choice and it must be worked at. Happiness may come naturally to some people, but for most of us we have to be reminded to be happy, and I think we usually just wait around for those reminders to slap us in the face. But what if we made more of a conscience effort? What if we started using affirmations?
Sounds silly I know, but purposefully thinking happy, positive thoughts can work. It's hard work at first, but like anything, the more you practice it regularly - the easier it gets. My friend Lynette gave me a wonderful list of affirmations. A lot of which I've already tried using.
Positive Affirmations- I am healthy and happy.- Wealth is pouring into my life.- I am sailing on the river of wealth.- I am getting wealthier each day.- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.- I have a lot of energy.- I study and comprehend fast.- My mind is calm.- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.- My thoughts are under my control.- I radiate love and happiness.- I am surrounded by love.- I have the perfect job for me.- I am living in the house of my dreams.- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.- I have a wonderful and satisfying job.- I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.- I am successful in whatever I do.
It is possible to be happy with what you have, even if it's nothing but bills and debt. People do it everyday, and if they can do it, why can't I?
What it comes down to is, am I willing to make the effort?
Admittedly, some days, no. Some days it's just darn hard to think a happy thought. I'm tired, I'm stressed, I feel so behind that I'll never catch up. At those times, I basically want to wallow in self-pity and self-derision. I want to invite every possible negative thing I can think of myself. But what does that help? Not a darn thing.
I want, no, I need to start being purposely happy. Happy is a feeling, and most of us don't realize how much control we have on our feelings. I don't think a lot of people realize they can control their feelings if they choose too. Yes, sometimes that control may slip, but when you realize you've slipped you don't give up, you try again. And again, and again. How many of us have practiced something till our fingers bled, willing to give every effort till we got it perfect? I know I never have. I've never put that much effort into anything. And I have an overwhelming conviction that this is the time and this is what I should be putting all that effort into. And what will happen? Who knows, but I can't imagine being any worse off. How can practicing being happy till I want to stick a pencil in my eye do anything but improve my life? Actually my imagination goes wild thinking of all the possibilities if I can gain proficiency at being happy. There is no such thing as perfect, but there is damn good!!!
I could probably go on and on, and probably just end up beating a dead hoarse. If I haven't got my point across yet, I never will. I want to end this with the bulk of the article Lynette sent me yesterday about positive affirmations. If it helps even one other person, its worth all others I've probably made nauseous.
Lynette I hope you don't mind my plagiarizing you! I give you full credit for finding the article first!!!
The Power of AffirmationsBy Remez SassonAffirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, and which are repeated many times, in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire.Imagine that you are swimming with your friends in a swimming pool. They swim fifteen rounds, something you have never done before, and desiring to win the respect of your friends, you want to show them that you can make it too. You start swimming, and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, "I can do it, I can do it...". You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the fifteen rounds. What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations.More than often, people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently bring upon themselves undesirable situations. Words and statements work both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.Often, people repeat negative statements in their minds, without even being aware of what they are doing. Do you keep thinking and telling yourself that you cannot do something, that you are too lazy, lack inner strength or that you are going to fail? Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying, and eventually attracts corresponding events and situations into your life, irrespective whether they are good or bad for you, so why not choose only positive statements?Affirmations program the mind in the same way commands and scripts program a computer. They work in the same manner as creative visualization. The repeated words help you focus your mind on your aim, and automatically build corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge. By using this process consciously and intently, you can affect your subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions, and even reshape your external life.Sometimes results appear quickly, but often more time is required. Depending on your goal, sometimes you might attain immediate results, and sometimes it might take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such as the time, focus, faith and feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the strength of your desire, and on how big or small is your goal.It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. You have to refuse thinking negative thoughts, if you wish to attain positive results.How to Repeat AffirmationsIt is advisable to repeat affirmations that are not too long, as they are easier to remember. Repeat them anytime your mind is not engaged in something in particular, such as while traveling in a bus or a train, waiting in line, walking etc, but do not affirm while driving or crossing a street. You may also repeat them in special sessions of 5-10 minutes each, several times a day.Relax any physical, emotional or mental tension while affirming. The stronger the concentration, the more faith you have in what you are doing, the more feelings you put into the act, the stronger and faster will be the results.Choose only positive words, describing what you really want. If you desire to lose weight, do not tell yourself "I am not fat" or "I am losing weight." These are negative statements, bringing into the mind mental images of what you do not want. Say instead, "I am getting slim" or "I have reached my right weight". Such words evoke positive images in the mind.Always affirm in the present tense, not the future tense. Saying, "I will be rich", means that you intend to be rich one day, in the indefinite future, but not now. It is more effective to say, and also feel, "I am rich now", and the subconscious mind will work overtime to make this happen now, in the present.The power of affirmations can help you to transform your life. By stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally and emotionally see and feel it as true, irrespective of your current circumstances, and thereby attract it into your life.Positive Affirmations- I am healthy and happy.- Wealth is pouring into my life.- I am sailing on the river of wealth.- I am getting wealthier each day.- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.- I have a lot of energy.- I study and comprehend fast.- My mind is calm.- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.- My thoughts are under my control.- I radiate love and happiness.- I am surrounded by love.- I have the perfect job for me.- I am living in the house of my dreams.- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.- I have a wonderful and satisfying job.- I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.- I am successful in whatever I do.- Everything is getting better every day.
I would be happy if anyone shared how trying to be purposefully happy has helped them, who know who else it might encourage.
Love, and lots of Happy Thots!!!
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